电影 特别治疗



  • 片名:特别治疗
  • 状态:钟镇涛搭档林凤娇
  • 主演:米莲娜·德拉维奇/留巴·塔迪奇/杜西察·热加拉茨/
  • 导演:高兰·帕斯卡杰维奇/
  • 年份:1980
  • 地区:其它
  • 类型:爱情///电影/剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:汉语普通话
  • 更新:2025-03-15 22:27
  • 简介:Cannes Film Festival  YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s)  1980 Won Best Supporting Actress  Milena Dravic  Tied with Carla Gravina and Terrazza, La (1980).  Nominated Golden Palm  Goran Paskaljevic  Golden Globes, USA  YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s)  1981 Nominated Golden Globe Best Foreign Film  Brushed with shadings of a larger social and political commentary, this occasionally hilarious and consistently funny comedy looks at a closet alcoholic, Dr. Ilich (Ljuba Tadic) who treats alcoholism in others with an iron hand and a zany therapeutical approach. Between the music of Wagner, a diet in which apples figure prominently, and exercises that look like Chicken Little in take-off mode, the doctor is convinced his patients will be cured. What really ails most of them is what caused their alcohol problem in the first place -- so when the eccentric doctor takes six of his patients to a nearby brewery to demonstrate the success of his treatment, chaos results. First the apples taken on the trip are spiked by one patient (two of them clink their apples in joy) and then the brewery management and its own alcohol-addicted crew add to the patients' antics.
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Cannes Film Festival  YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s)  1980 Won Best Supporting Actress  Milena Dravic  Tied with Carla Gravina and Terrazza, La (1980).  Nominated Golden Palm  Goran Paskaljevic  Golden Globes, USA  YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s)  1981 Nominated Golden Globe Best Foreign Film  Brushed with shadings of a larger social and political commentary, this occasionally hilarious and consistently funny comedy looks at a closet alcoholic, Dr. Ilich (Ljuba Tadic) who treats alcoholism in others with an iron hand and a zany therapeutical approach. Between the music of Wagner, a diet in which apples figure prominently, and exercises that look like Chicken Little in take-off mode, the doctor is convinced his patients will be cured. What really ails most of them is what caused their alcohol problem in the first place -- so when the eccentric doctor takes six of his patients to a nearby brewery to demonstrate the success of his treatment, chaos results. First the apples taken on the trip are spiked by one patient (two of them clink their apples in joy) and then the brewery management and its own alcohol-addicted crew add to the patients' antics.——《特别治疗》由蝶众影院收集整理供大家观看!


  • 正片
    1.0 权志龙/东永裴/姜大声/黄政民/金高银/丁海寅/任时完/金秀贤/李洙赫/曹世镐/郑亨敦/刘知珉/宁艺卓/金旼炡/内永枝利/黄光熙/权顺荣/
  • 正片
    7.0 金世佳/柴碧云/李茂/徐小飒/谢芳/钱波/刘亚津/馨子/柴鸥/王伟华/梁佳伟/卢佳/
  • 第10集
    8.0 朴珍荣/卢正义/
  • 正片
    1.0 能年玲奈/田中圭/泷藤贤一/田中美奈实/服部树咲/高石明里/桥本爱/寺辻健一郎/光石研/若村麻由美/
  • HD
    3.0 萨玛拉·维文///埃里克·迪恩///雷·尼科尔森///吉米·费尔斯///阿尔芭·巴普蒂斯塔///凯瑟琳·拉夫·哈格奎斯特///帕特里克·考克斯// Terence Kelly //马修·德尔·贝尔·贝鲁兹///比利·马格努森// Yasmeen Kelders/
  • HD
    4.0 卧虎潜龙//潜龙狙击//Undercover/vs/Undercover//Undercover/Punch/and/Gun/
  • HD
    8.0 牛宝亿/陈一辰/马哲/张钿悦/林栗/李颂慈/周航/
  • 正片
    9.0 侯俊杰/蓝天野/陈兵/肖辉/张茵/
  • 正片
    10.0 巨狼现世恶人屠村/
  • 正片
    10.0 李亚林/史可夫/杨洸/任伟民/刘儒/张健佑/黄玲/王健华/李万城/庞学勤/段斌/郭振清/侯健夫/马世达/李瑛/谭成江/卢廷兰/赵斌/


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