电视剧 侠盗罗宾汉第二季



  • 片名:侠盗罗宾汉第二季
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:约纳斯·阿姆斯特朗/Lucy Griffiths/理查德·阿米蒂奇/乔·阿姆斯特朗/Sam Troughton/Gordon Kennedy/哈里·劳埃德/Priya Rai/大卫·哈雷伍德/琼安·弗洛加特/基思·艾伦/劳拉·普沃/
  • 导演:克莱恩·唐纳利/
  • 年份:2007
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:欧美/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-03-17 14:02
  • 简介:  The contemporary retelling of the popular legend is back for a second series with more breathtaking archery, incredible swordplay, lots of humour, fun and energy, a smattering of brute force, and the raw determination to right wrongs. The Sheriff is in the final stages of a plot to kill King Richard upon his return from the Holy Land. The Sheriff also wants Robin Hood dead and with his devastating sister Davina, sets about catching him once and for all. It seems only a matter of time until Marian escapes to the forest and she and Robin can be together. Until that is, Gisborne turns up at Knighton Hall and razes it to the ground, seizing Marian and Edward and placing them under house arrest in the castle. Marian and Robin now separate for the good of England, Marian as the castle spy, and Robin leading his gang in the forest and villages of Nottingham.
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首页 电视剧 侠盗罗宾汉第二季


  The contemporary retelling of the popular legend is back for a second series with more breathtaking archery, incredible swordplay, lots of humour, fun and energy, a smattering of brute force, and the raw determination to right wrongs. The Sheriff is in the final stages of a plot to kill King Richard upon his return from the Holy Land. The Sheriff also wants Robin Hood dead and with his devastating sister Davina, sets about catching him once and for all. It seems only a matter of time until Marian escapes to the forest and she and Robin can be together. Until that is, Gisborne turns up at Knighton Hall and razes it to the ground, seizing Marian and Edward and placing them under house arrest in the castle. Marian and Robin now separate for the good of England, Marian as the castle spy, and Robin leading his gang in the forest and villages of Nottingham.——《侠盗罗宾汉第二季》由蝶众影院收集整理供大家观看!


  • 已完结
    10.0 かくごはいいかそこのじょし/觉悟吧!那边的女孩/覚悟はいいかそこの女子。/
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    2.0 Fatih Artman/Funda Eryigit/奥约库·卡拉耶尔/Defne Kayalar/赛塔尔·坦热厄恩/图林·奥曾/比盖·厄那尔/
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    8.0 福士苍汰///清野菜名///北大路欣也///上杉柊平///新山千春///伊原六花///上原实矩///村杉蝉之介///山崎银之丞///黑田大辅///坪仓由幸///大仓孝二///渡边一计///大岛优子///尾形一成/
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    7.0 前田敦子/
  • 已完结
    9.0 玉山铁二///池内博之///佐久间由衣///小雪///阵内孝则///小林薰///光石研///佐野史郎///长谷川朝晴///黑羽麻璃央///中村映里子///野间口彻///桥本爱实/
  • 第38集
    2.0 吉高由里子/柄本佑/岸谷五朗/国仲凉子/高杉真宙/段田安则/三石琴乃/井浦新/玉置玲央/吉田羊/板谷由夏/初夏/中山裕介/高畑充希/本乡奏多/见上爱/三浦翔平/龙星凉/坂东巳之助/町田启太/
  • 已完结
    6.0 栗山千明///白洲迅///宇梶刚士///野村修一///椎名香奈江/


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